Petition Over Google Ads Hiding Search Term Data
Greg Finn posted a petition on hoping the SEM community can sign it and influence Google to change its mind around hiding data in the Google Ads search term report. He wants it to be advertiser choice and advertisers can opt out of Google hiding this data.Just to catch you up, we were the first to report that Google notified advertisers that it has updated the search terms report to only include search terms that were searched by a significant number of users. This will essentially mean you will be paying for some (maybe many) keywords and have no clue what you are paying for.Here was the notice Google posted:Heck, even Google's competitor, Microsoft Advertising called this ludicrous.Greg Finn's petition says this is unacceptable saying (1) we need to know exactly what we are paying for and (2) if we cannot see what a search term is, we do not want to appear for that query, receive that traffic, or pay for that click.Finn said "if Google Ads won't show advertisers keyword data for insignificant clicks, we ask for the ability to opt-out of showing ads on all queries not deemed to be "significant"."I doubt Google will care, they will keep touting privacy but come on - advertisers are paying for this.