Larger Google Search Ranking Algorithm Update On April 20th & 21st
Larger Google Search Ranking Algorithm Update On April 20th & 21stGoogle Algorithm Update
Google again seemed to have pushed out another Google search ranking algorithm update on April 20th and April 21st. It might be a continuation from the April 18th update, just now rolling out more, or it might be its own thing. Google has not confirmed an update is officially rolling out.
But the chatter is super hot right now and the tracking tools are showing big volatility on April 20, 2022 through April 21, 2022.
The last confirmed update was the March 2022 Product Reviews Update and that just ended on April 11th. The most recent unconfirmed update was on April 18th then followed by April 13th and 14th and another update on March 18th both did not get confirmed by Google. Also one on March 11th and March 4th.